4 research outputs found


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    A MOBILE EXPERT SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR SOLVING PERSONAL COMPUTER PROBLEMSAbstractFor the time being, the smartphone is the most popular device in the world a device that is still in development. Today everyone has a personal smartphone device. The capability of these smartphones is to run a variety of all kinds of applications, make user’s use it most of the time as well as for their daily tasks. The aim of this study is to develop an expert system running on android smartphones in order to solve computer problems. This approach is an accurate method to provide solution to computer problems. Design and implementing this expert system is to detect problem by asking users question and offers solution depending on user’s answer. The output solution will provide description with images to be clearer for users to understand what their issue in fact is.Keywords: Expert Systems, Mobile Application, Rule Based Systems. KİŞİSEL BİLGİSAYAR PROBLEMLERİNİN ÇÖZÜMÜ İÇİN BİR MOBİL UZMAN SİSTEM UYGULAMASIÖzetŞu anda, hala geliştirilmekte olan akıllı telefonlar dünyadaki en popüler cihazlardır. Bugün herkes kişisel bir akıllı cihaza sahiptir. Bu akıllı telefonların, kullanıcıların zamanlarının büyük bir kısmında hatta gündelik işlerinde kullandıkları çok çeşitli uygulamalar çalıştırma kabiliyetleri vardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı bilgisayar problemlerini çözmek için android akıllı telefon üzerinde çalışan bir uzman sistem geliştirmektir. Bu yaklaşım bilgisayar problemlerine çözüm sağlamak için doğru bir yöntemdir. Bu uzman sistemin tasarım ve gerçekleştirilmesi, kullanıcılara sorular sormak suretiyle problemleri tespit etmek ve kullanıcı kullanıcıların cevaplarına dayalı çözümler sunulması biçimindedir. Çıktıyı oluşturan çözüm, kullanıcılar için problemin aslında ne olduğunun anlaşılmasını sağlayan şekilli tanımlayıcı bilgiler sağlayacaktır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Uzman Sistemler, Mobil Uygulama, Kural Tabanlı Sistemler


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    AN IMPLEMENTATION FOR PERFORMING A COMPUTER BASED MUTATION ANALYSIS AbstractThe history of Mutation Analysis can be sketched back from 1971 by Richard Lipton. It is vital to identify the variations occurred in DNA due to mutation. The aim of this work is to develop a new software that helps to predict the mutated sequence position found between the any two sequences whether it maybe DNA or Protein or it may be both. Moreover this approach is most effective and accurate to analyze sequences. The software is developed that helps to provide necessary input and get desired output. The output file will show the position were the mutation occur for protein 1 mutation occur in 1 for K and W and for C mutation occur in 40 position. Thus, the system runs to progress quality of testing and provide advance efficiency by means of various mutation operators. Computerized mutation analysis is performed without manual intervention.Keywords: Mutation Analysis, Computerized mutation analysis, DNA or ProteinBİLGİSAYAR TABANLI MUTASYON ANALİZİ İÇİN BİR UYGULAMAÖzetMutasyon analizi tarihi 1971 yılında Richard Lipton tarafından yapılan çalışmalara dayanmaktadır. Mutasyon nedeniyle DNA içerisindeki oluşan varyasyonların belirlenmesi kritik önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmanın özü; DNA, Protein veya her ikisi de olabilen herhangi iki sıra arasında bulunan mutasyon geçirmiş pozisyonların tahmin edilmesine yardımcı olacak yeni bir yazılım geliştirmektir. Üstelik sıra analizi için çok verimli ve doğru sonuç üreten bir yaklaşımdır. Bu yazılım, gerekli girişlerin kolayca sağlaması ve arzu edilen çıkışların alınmasına yardımcı olacak şekilde geliştirilmiştir. Çıktı dosyası, 40 pozisyon içindeki 1 pozisyondaki oluşan K,W ve C mutasyonunun yerini gösterecektir. Böylece bu sistemle, kaliteli bir test süreci gerçekleştirilmekte ve çeşitli mutasyon operatörleri vasıtasıyla verimlilikte ilerleme sağlanmaktadır. Bilgisayar tabanlı mutasyon analizi, manüel müdahale olmaksızın gerçekleştirilmiş olmaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Mutasyon Analizi, Bilgisayarlı mutasyon analizi, DNA veya Protein 

    Classification Performance of the Different Stemming Methods

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    Saving textual data and accessing them in many fields have become one of the basic problems nowadays. The usage of these data effectively is directly related to the development of storage and access tools that will be used. Therefore, software programs using different methods have been developed. One of the points that need to be taken into account is data classifying. Because using raw data in these classifying processes is harmful, finding the stem of the texts is useful. In this study, the successes of two different stemming algorithms in the text classifying are comparatively examined

    Dokuz Eylul Triage System: A five category triage algorithm in Turkey, reliability and validity study

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    Introduction: Triage systems are useful tools to detecting severity of illness in the emergency department’s waiting areas. Because of the lack of similarity in terms of disease and the patient profile each triage system may not be effective in another country. Dokuz Eylul Triage System was developed as a five-level triage system and this paper evaluates validity and reliability of Dokuz Eylul Triage System to use in a tertiary Turkish emergency department. Methods: This study was performed in a tertiary emergency department. Patients with any symptoms who were admitted to the emergency department in one-month period and selected by systematic sampling method were included into the study. Hospital admission, length of stay in the emergency department, 48h mortality, resource uses were assessed for validity and blinded paired triage assignments were compared with weighted kappa analysis for reliability. Results: Five-hundred-sixty-seven patients were enrolled; 30 were excluded. The resulting of 537 patients was 55% female and had a median age of 46 years. Seven of them were triage level-1 (1.3%), 142 of them were level-2 (26.4%), 167 of them were level-3 (31.1%), 166 of them were level-4 (30.9%) and 55 of them were level-5 (10.3%). Weighted kappa for triage assignment was found as 0.825. Resource use, hospitalization rates, mean length of stay and 48h mortality were found as strongly associated with triage level. Over-triage rate was 15.5%, under-triage rate was 3.7% and the sensitivity and specificity of the triage system were calculated 99.3% and 96%. Conclusions: Dokuz Eylul Triage System is a reliable and validated five-category triage algorithm for Turkey to be implanted into clinical practice of a tertiary emergency department. We report that Dokuz Eylul Triage System could be able to detect and sieve the patients safely who need resuscitation and emergent care</p